Humanitarian Artist Peter "Wolf" Toth ~ Trail Of The "Whispering Giants"!
Honoring All People Who Face Injustice!

PWT Dreams of a large Mahogany Tree hopefully damaged or dead along the Amazon River!

The Artist felt compelled to honor ~ Native American Indians and all people facing injustice ~ on this spiritual journey.

Be Part Of The Trail Of The "Whispering Giants"!
GO FUND ME!-San Antonio!       Whispering Giants Photos
       Whispering Giants Dedications

Peter "Wolf" Toth has set his next overseas goal to create a new "Whispering Giant" in the Heart of the Amazon! He has embarked on efforts to contact a Chief of one of the indiginous Indian Tribes of the Amazon. Once contact with that Chief is established and he has ascertained their desire to have such a Sculpture created in their likeness for them, he is planning an expedition to meet with him, and learn their history, customs. Once he has accomplished that the next plan is to put together an organization of patrons to put this plan into action and fund this project. As always, his efforts and Sculpture artistry will be a gift to the Tribe to honor their history and heritage. More information to come as this next project starts taking place!

The following video is an excellent overview of what one can expect to encounter when travelling the Amazon River. When the video starts Click on the Square next to YouTube on the bottom right to go Full Screen!

Peter is looking for adventurous people to accompany him on the Amazon for THEIR GREATEST adventure in their life!

And YES Pink Dolphins DO kill Piranha's! In fact they are said to eat anything!

Letter to Amazonian Indian Chief in Brazil!

Envelope to Amazonian Indian Chief in Brazil!

Manaus-Amazonas-An Indigenous Brazilian

Amazonas-Indigenous Brazilians

Currently Peter Toth resides in Edgewater, Florida, where he has a studio. At times he receives requests from cities or Tribes who have his sculptures to repair or replace "Whispering Giants" that has been damaged by the elements over the years.

MY "CANVAS" ENCOMPASSES THE ENTIRETY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT... and in a lesser way, even EUROPE)... Peter "Wolf" Toth, 2023.

Peter "Wolf" Toth "Whispering Giant" Sculptor

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Created: June 7, 2023

Last Updated: June 13, 2023

Best Communication Contact Method for Peter "Wolf" Toth: Cellphone Text Message. (Secondary~Phone: 386-795-0291)

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Website Created by Webmaster: Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at" Official Webmaster For Peter "Wolf" Toth!

Copyright 2023 - San Antonio, Texas

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