Humanitarian Artist Peter "Wolf" Toth ~ Trail Of The "Whispering Giants"!
Honoring All People Who Face Injustice!

Peter "Wolf" Toth #27 November, 1977 "Whispering Giant", Honoring "Waokiye" Desert Hot Springs, California

The Artist felt compelled to honor ~ Native American Indians and all people facing injustice ~ on this spiritual journey.

Be Part Of The Trail Of The "Whispering Giants"!
GO FUND ME!-San Antonio!     Future Amazon Whispering Giant!       
Photos Of Whispering Giants

This webpage is dedicated to those American Indian Chiefs, Elders and others who attended the various Dedication Ceremonies of the 74 "Whispering Giants" that can be found. More information regarding other Dedications will be added as they are found. It leads off with the photograph featuring Dennis Banks, (1937-2017) Co-Founder of the American Indian Movement attending the Dedication Ceremony for Nr27 "Whispering Giant" in May 1978 at Cabot's Old Indian Pueblo Museum Desert Hot Springs, California. Dennis Banks thanks Peter "Wolf" Toth for his dedication to the history, heritage and honor he has dedicated himself across the Country to the American Indian. Dennis Banks quote regarding the Dedication of Toth's 27th "Whispering Giant" sculpture.

"I have never seen anything so tall, so beautiful, so great!"
Dennis Banks "Nowa Cumig" American Indian Movement & Peter "Wolf" Toth "Whispering Giant" Sculptor

Dedication Ceremony for NR27 "Whispering Giant" May, 1978 Desert Hot Springs, CA.

Dedication Ceremony for NR48 "Whispering Giant" September, 1984 Laconia, New Hampshire.

Dedication Ceremony for NR48 "Whispering Giant" September, 1984 Laconia, New Hampshire.

Dedication Ceremony for NR42 "Whispering Giant" 24 July, 1982 "Enishkeetompauog", Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Dedication Ceremony for NR25 "Whispering Giant" July, 1977 Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Dedication Ceremony for NR37 "Whispering Giant" November, 1980 Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Dedication Ceremony for NR52 "Whispering Giant" November, 1985 Murray, Utah.

Dedication Ceremony for NR55 "Whispering Giant" October, 1986 Johnson City, Tennessee.

Dedication Ceremony for NR71 "Whispering Giant" 2005 Buckhead, North Carolina.

Left clicking on each small photo will bring up a larger version of it. See comments below for further information.

PWT Photo Collage

Nr63 Richard Sneed ~ Principle Chief ~ Eastern Band Of Cherokee Indians ~ Re-Dedication 2019 Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Museum Execs ~ Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Son of Chief Long Deer ~ Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Cherokee Beauty Queen ~ Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Cherokee Indian Princess's ~ Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr63 Dedication Cherokee North Carolina

Nr21 PWT Apache Friends Balderman & Lillian Assist in Restoration & Dedication 2014 Dunkirk New York

Nr21 Celebration of Restoration & Dedication 2014 Dunkirk New York

Nr26 1977 PWT Teaches Wood Sculpting To Chippawa Indian Reservation Children Hayward Wisconsin

Nr44 May 1983 - Joe Dan Osceola, PWT & Fred Smith ~ Does NOT Enlarge ~ Ft. Lauderdale FLorida

Nr44 May 1983 ~ Does NOT Enlarge ~ Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Nr45 1983 ~ Does NOT Enlarge ~ Plymouth Massachusetts

Nr46 1983 ~ Does NOT Enlarge ~ Bar Harbor Maine

Nr49 1984~Does NOT Enlarge~2,000+ attended~Chiefs Red Blanket, Matachaman, Drifting Goose&Great Oak~Springfield Mass.

Nr42 1982 ~ Does Enlarge ~ Princess "Red Wing" (center below) Chief "Roaring Bull" (top right). Narraganseet Rhode Island

Nr43 1982 ~ Does Enlarge ~ Groton Connecticut

GrandMother Of Pyramid Lake ~ Poem By PWT ~ Does Enlarge

If using a PC to return to the main photos click on the Left <- At the top of the website. To the left of the Reload icon. If on your Cellphone, when you click on a photo to make it big, down at the bottom right of your cellphone screen you should see a < icon below. Click on the < icon and it should take you back to the main screen to view the next photo. If, when looking at the bigger photo, you wish to make it larger to read an article, left click on the photo and it should get bigger. Left clicking again should set it back to its original size. Monitor resolutions vary from Monitor to Monitor. If the photos are not centered on the screen with some background showing on the left and right, try increasing or decreasing your Zoom setting on your browser.

Korczak Ziolkowski - short termed sculptor on the Mount Rushmore project. In 1939, Ziolkowski was hired as a sculptor's assistant by Gutzon Borglum on his Mount Rushmore project. Korczak thought he was hired as the primary assistant to Borglum, but found that Borghlum's Son, Lincoln was. Korczak and Lincoln had a fight and Korczak was fired. Korczak then later went on to create the famed Crazy Horse Momument at the urging of Lakota Souix Chief Henry Standing Bear. Korczak was never able to fully complete the sculpture, except for the face of Crazy Horse. There is a 1/34 size model by Korczak of what it is to look like when it is finished. It is my understanding that his Children continue the work on it.

Peter "Wolf" Toth credits renowned sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski scuptor of the Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota as being his Advisor/Teacher. In 1974 After completing Statue #10 in Punta Gorda, Florida, Peter met Korczak while visting the Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota while on his way to Washington to Sculpt his #11 "Whispering Giant". They Coordinated/conversed for nearly 10 years until Korczak's passing in 1982. Peter says he is probably the last artist of his age group still alive who knew Korczak. In the photo below he states that his comments and photo of Korack's signature can be found on Page 97 of his book "Indian Giver". That depends on the edition of the book. My copy is probably a Fifth Edition autographed by him personally on 9-3-'89 while he was completing his Cherokee Sculpture in North Carolina. I find the signature on Page 97 but the comments regarding Korzcak on Page 100-101 in that edition printed in 1986.

Wiki History of Korczak Ziolkowski

Korczak Ziolkowski

Currently Peter Toth resides in Edgewater, Florida, where he has a studio. At times he receives requests from cities or Tribes who have his sculptures to repair or replace "Whispering Giants" that has been damaged by the elements over the years.

MY "CANVAS" ENCOMPASSES THE ENTIRETY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT... and in a lesser way, even EUROPE)... Peter "Wolf" Toth, 2023.

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Peter "Wolf" Toth "Whispering Giant" Sculptor

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Created: June 7, 2023

Last Updated: August 19, 2023

Best Communication Contact Method for Peter "Wolf" Toth: Cellphone Text Message. (Secondary~Phone: 386-795-0291)

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Website Created by Webmaster: Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at" Official Webmaster For Peter "Wolf" Toth

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